Monday, December 12, 2005


Missioanry Connection has a new site! Check out all the new programs and see the glory of
G-d at work in His servants at Missionary Connection all over the world!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 -- Daily Internet Starting-line -- Daily Internet Starting-line

The gift of giving
Becki Jenkins
Missionary Connection

The lost art of giving for the sake of it has been lost. How can we get it back in a society that is stuck on me…me….me. As Christians we are taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive, so why is it hard for us to grasp Jesus words when he said, “ Sell all your goods, give it to the poor and follow me…” Again in Acts 2: 45 it speaks of the followers of Christ selling all and giving it to any in need but what of the disciple of today?

Please for those that are reeling in passionate rebuttal, do not think I am suggesting that we sell it all and live on the street so we may give to the poor by becoming poor ourselves. Our Father has also spoken prosperity over us but only if we put His Kingdom first. This tells me if we give it all to Him we then already own what is His. In fact He tells us in His word that we are joint heirs with Him. What belongs to our Daddy belongs to us by association and active participation in His Kingdom. This means that whatever we see, if we need it, or want it, it is ours already so we can thank Him for it and confidently expect that He will show us how to get it for His Kingdom not personal gain but for Kingdom gain. The more we give the more that is returned. But not just for the sake of blessing us as much as to bless us is to bless the world we live in as we give of the blessings He has bestowed upon us. We are not to stock pile without giving thought to giving also. Yes, we are expected to take care of our business, households and obligations in the natural but what of our spiritual obligation?

Often I think of how difficult it is for some of us just to tithe. It seems like a chore to some of us rather than a joy and gratefulness to G-d that He really only ask us to give 10%. We get to keep 90%. What a deal! I suggest to you now, for those who have no money or those that do, the words in Micah tells us to give 10% of all we have…may I suggest this means your time too since it is a gift from above that we live. In fact He tells us that “It is in Him that we live and have our being.” In addition to this, I never hear anyone complain at the end of the year when the tithe that is deducted renders a return nor do I hear anyone testify that they gave G-d a raise by donating their return, because of Him, to the building of His kingdom.

I am convinced that the command to tithe set out for us in the bible was not put there for the giver but for those that would not give less instructed to. For the giver in Christ the tithe is just the beginning. The word of G-d talks about “Tithes and offerings unto the L-rd.” Givers get this. Let me give you a live example:

Person X gave 10% of their income to the L-rd at their place of worship as is the tradition, plus 1/3 more of their income for the cause of building the Kingdom in their community and around the world. At the end of the year this sum was about 11,000.00. This generated a tax return of nearly 3,000.00. Person X decided that G-d had been so good to them that they gave this sum for Kingdom building in their community by donating to outreach programs in their city. Person X praised G-d for all He had done for them in the year past. He had blessed them to give and give but they still had some money in the bank and did all they wanted to do without struggle throughout the year. The praise was for the miracle of this, because person X knew how much was given vs. how much was left. G-d had seen them through and opened a window of blessings they could not contain. The next year person X gave 10% plus the tax return plus 1/3 more was poured out into the community for Kingdom building. The next year’s tax generated close to a 4,000.00 return. What a blessing! Person X saved a portion and donated the rest to community programs and their place of worship. How excited person X was to give without being noticed and had recognized that G-d was pouring out a natural blessing by allowing increases that would further bless His joyful giving child and He knew His joyful giver would bless Him likewise!

Person X was so excited this year because the L-rd had blessed them with a wonderful raise and a bonus twice in the same year! Person X gave 2/3 of the bonus to Kingdom building and was so excited to give more in tithes and offerings because of the wonderful raise! This tax year generated close to a 7,000.00 return. Oh praise G-d our joyful giver proclaimed! More for the Kingdom! Person X saved a portion and gave 2/3 back to G-d for His Kingdom. So happy to give, person X knew they had given 2/3 of their income plus Tithe plus bonus but yet they had more than they needed and did not want for a thing! How can this be? The word of the L-rd is true! He tells us to try Him and see “if He won’t open the flood gates of heaven” to give us an increase we cannot contain and I dare suggest comprehend.

Person X is still happily giving in tithe and offerings and in service. This year the expected increase is much, much more! Our cheerful giver is looking forward to giving even more! For those that are given much, much is required. That is not a bad thing for the cheerful giver because they are always looking for ways to give back and to love on their L-rd! Person X is faithful and kind and loves to give in every way…not just on Sunday but everyday our cheerful giver looks for ways to bless the L-rd in giving and in life. A true giver gives it all and has no account of the gift written anywhere but in the heart of G-d. A true giver sees the tithe as the beginning of the gift rather than the least I have to give. A true giver blesses G-d for the gift to be able to give because they realize that the gift to be able to give comes from Him as does the best example we can find John 3:16.

I will never tell who Person X is but I know them well and I will never tell the real amounts( much more than written) given as this would be contrary to Person X’s belief in giving in secret. This is a 100% true story that has no ending as Person X still gives and gives as the L-rd over flows in the gifts given. A true giver understands that all is His and therefore all is given to be given. Person X understands that the true gift has no account of the gift nor is there any expectation of reward but the act of giving is the greatest reward because it touches the heart of our G-d in a way that He can’t help but pour out His unfathomable love and blessings upon us just because. In fact the true giver will never remember the gift given. Our L-rd is a just because giver so as you can imagine He just loves just because givers where ever He may find them.

Have you considered accepting the gift in giving just because He is? In a day where it seems everyone has an angle and you have to be a good steward and be able to discern a fake from the real deal it is easy to get discouraged. Just as the gift is His, He is well able to direct you. Don’t get discouraged and not give, get on your knees and ask for direction then give, give, give! You will never beat G-d giving nor will you ever run out of things to give in funds, time, energies, services…there is so many wonderful opportunities to give! Just remember it all must be for Him and His Kingdom. You can’t fool G-d. He knows your heart. If you say, but I do give this and this but your heart is full of pride looking for a reward or you are doing it for show…you got your blessing. But that is a pitiful reward. The greater reward is done in secret for no other reason but that you love G-d with all your heart and so you want to find ways to bless Him. For Him there is only one way, “If you have done it to the least of these my brethren…you have done it unto me also…” We love Him by loving/giving to His most precious sheep considered the least of these but the most important to our L-rd! Love on our L-rd my brethren and love on Him often. He has always been loving on you! He is the best example of a joyous giver there is. I want to be like my Daddy, don’t you?

Saturday, March 12, 2005 -- Daily Internet Starting-line -- Daily Internet Starting-line

Connecting the Puzzle Pieces
By Becki Jenkins
Missionary Connection

Over the years, working in various ministry capacities, I have wondered why Churches, ministries, faith groups and outreach initiatives do not unite. As a whole, we as the collective body of Christ tend to do our own things in our own buildings in our own little spaces and claimed geographical territories with little connection with our brothers and sisters locally, nationally or internationally. It seems that every new Church, ministry or faith based group that pops up recreates the wheel, by duplicating outreach initiatives and resources, all acting as if there are none of these resources already available in their communities and that their particular ministry is didactically unique and singular in relation to the outside world.

The body of Christ is vast and global. Each ministry offers a different piece to the overall puzzle that makes up the entire Body of Christ. If we spend our time recreating the wheel we are then unable to unite and effectively function as the body we are and will become. If we could lay down our geographical, denominational differences and realize we are all a part of the same body, as long as the piece of the puzzle you are, is rooted fundamentally and foundationally in Christ, we can connect and present as a unified force against the darkness in this world. We can pool our resources and work together to form a mighty army of Faith, bible believing soldiers for our Savior, Jesus, the Christ! We as the body of believers are immediately stronger together than a part. Our L-rd is calling us, as His body, to unite all over His foot stool (world). The enemy of our L-rd knows how strong we are together that is precisely why the lord of this world does not want to see us unite as a body. He realizes that unity is power! He uses denomination, creed, ethnic and cultural differences to keep us at bay and operationally, less effective than he knows we are together. I say we drop all of our preconceived ideas about what we think or what we thought about our institutional religiosities and UNITE as the body of Christ we are all over this planet! Let’s pool our collective resources and march on as faith walking, bible believing soldiers and mercenary ambassadors of Christ. I firmly believe that all we need is already in the body of Christ we simply must unite. He is coming for a Church united. He is drawing us together for this critical end time where we will have to depend on each other and cleave together as a tightly knitted and formed together unit.

Let’s start talking to each other, finding out where we as an individual or ministry fit in the fabric of our L-rds body. Find out what is going on in your community and see how you may connect resources not just locally but all over this magnificent globe! A great way to get started in Indiana is by contacting Transform Indiana or Indy Christian. Check out the websites, go on line and see how you or ministry is needed and already fits in an ever growing unified force.

I am president and director of Missionary Connection, a local and international ministry. My first encounter with Transform Indiana was a welcomed opportunity. I sat in a room of believers that believed as I do, we should connect! I nearly cried as I realized I was witnessing a three dimensional answer to my prayers for us as believers to unite in our L-rd for His will and purpose all over the world. There were people there from many walks of life and denominations all joined together as a unity of brothers for His names sake! I made connections that have helped what Missionary Connection is called to do in the body and have been able to offer support to others in things of our L-rd they were called to do. It has been an exciting and overwhelming, fantastic experience! Truly, I believe this is of G-d! He wants us to unite! He wants each of us, as His puzzle pieces, to be put in place, jointly fit together for His will and purpose!

As an international ministry, it is common place to speak to other members of the body in remote areas of the world. It is no surprise that we are all on the same page in faith but more is always needed. You or your ministry need to come and place your piece of the puzzle on the table and let our L-rd put you in position in His overall picture in His body. You may just find those things you have envisioned and have been frustrated about have solutions already worked out. It will require you to join with your brothers and sisters to complete. No one ministry has it all. We are not supposed to. We are supposed to need each other. After all that is how our own body works. Our hearts pump so our other organs may function in their pre-ordained order of service to our bodies as it was designed by our Father “since before the foundation of the world.”

Too often we try to function as the whole when we are but apiece or a cell within a much larger organ in our L-rds body (ask about the writing, “In our Fathers Body…”. We are not the head that position is taken by our L-rd. We are the body, cell by cell, organ by organ put together for His glory and His purposes for all men. For the cause of His name, His glory forever!

Will you take your position? We need you! We have been looking for and missing you! We serve a spectacular Father! His voice can be heard in every soul that has ever dared to trust Him! Come! Unite! Our strength and life as the army of our L-rd in our communities, locally, nationally and internationally lies in each other in Christ! Take your place in Him!

What's New with Missionary Connection?

Church on Wheels:

Missionary Connection has just began a ministry initiative that takes the Church to the shut in or shut out. A bus is being converted into a Church on wheels providing physical and spiritual help in our streets and our communities! The bus will also be used as a traveling school of various educational offerings. If you or your Church would like to use the bus or other resources,please contact Missionary Connection:

Living Bread to the World:

Missionary Connection provides baked goods: bread,treats, unleavened bread and many other items at a low cost to raise money for community programs. If you would like to help,please contact: or support The Unleavened Bread Cafe at 30th and Central with your patronage. Ask about Living Bread to the World through Missionary Connection baked goods.

Save your cans,lend a helping hand!

Missionary Connection is particiapting inan on-going program of saving your aluminum cans to help local community programs. We will pick up. If you or your business would like to participate,please call: 317-471-0156 or e-mail:

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